So I've been, like, beyond neglectful in my contributions to this blog. In my defense, life has been a steady whirlwind of interviewing, picture-taking, littering the internet with cross-posted video to draw attention to McCain's OPPOSITION to "Buy American" provisions (because why should the Secret Service ride around on American-made motorcycles??), preparing for a visit from the boss, deciding which impromptu press conferences are worth my time and which events might get me into legal trouble, occasionally drinking with various local politicos ("C didn't ask me to go drinking with you guys when he called earlier." My coworker's response was instantaneous: "That's because C doesn't like you." "Good," I said, "I don't like him either."), dragging myself out of bed at 4am for the unique union event that is the worksite leaflet ("You know, you learn a lot about a person at a 5am worksite leaflet." "I bet you do...") and getting asked out by scruffy union guys and having to tactfully yet forcefully decline.
Which reminds me, a new staffer arrived last week from national, and we instantly hit it off. "So have you dated since you've been in Wisconsin?" she asked.
"Well," I replied. "I went on one godawful boring date with a vegan, I was hooking up for a minute with this guy but now that's done, and I guess I pretty much have my pick of the building trades."
In summary, I'm still pretty much doing it all for the story.
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