Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Several things

When I was younger, I used to think my Uncle Rob was the coolest person ever. He embodied (in my mind) the very best of the Gen X slacker dude of the nineties. I mean, he (in no particular order, and all before I turned 13) did an archeological dig in El Salvador while still in college, was engaged to a vegetarian artist with waist-length hennaed hair (he eventually broke it off), hitchhiked up and down the West Coast (much to my Grandmother's worry and chagrin), worked with Vietnamese refugees on what pretty much amounted to a commune in rural Georgia, had a ponytail, moved to Tacoma in 1993, and a few years later ended up in Seattle, where he's been ever since. He's now married with twin babies. I think he easily qualifies as "coolest dad ever." (See picture at top of post, note Wu-Tang Clan t-shirt)

2) I'm feeling better today.
The roomates let me drink their Pedialyte. I called in sick to work. My fever broke sometime mid-morning. Several persons called to check on me. I caught up on every episode of this season's Project Runway that I'd missed. My daddy brought me lunch.

3) I'm still adjusting to this whole being single thing. At first it was like, "Awesome! I have all this alone time!" Now it's more like, "Uh...I have all this alone time...does anyone want to talk to me? Please?" I called Rob (The Ex) tonight and talked to him about this. (After a summer of mostly ignoring one another, we're finally at a point where we can begin to rebuild a friendship without it being completely and totally weird.)

"Yeah, it's definitely been an adjustment for me, too," he said.

"I mean, we were together for a fourth of my life. That's a long time. (pause) No wait, a fifth. A fifth of my life. That's still a long time."

"Yeah, it is. We were together for only a sixth of my life, so I guess it's not quite as hard for me."

That made me laugh and feel a little better.

4) I hate grocery shopping these days. I used to love it, and I still do if I have more than just myself to cook for, but shopping for one is incredibly depressing. Your basket ends up looking like a horrible Lean Cuisine/Yogurt/Granola bar/Ice cream Bridget Jones-meets-Miranda Hobbs nightmare of single-girl-in-the-city loneliness.

And I don't really cook anymore. And I love to cook! Cooking was one of those decompressing activities I loved to do after work or school. It took my mind off of everything and produced something delicious and useful at the end. I think I need to find more excuses to cook.

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