Saturday, October 07, 2006


Yes, I can be quite inappropriate at times. Especially after a few drinks. HOWEVER! I am doing better. I no longer set things on fire, try to sell Tylenol I found in the host's medicine cabinet, or take my top off. See, I'm practically a completely respectable adult now.

I say this because I went to a party last night where, other than for the two people I went with, I knew no one. I had a great time, made a few new friends, and (mostly) behaved like a sane person. Super ostentatious casetheplace has perhaps morphed into slightly ostentatious casetheplace. I think this is a great step in the personal growth process. Go me! Rah rah rah!

I did, however, wake up this morning with an earache, and it hasn't gone away as of now. So I may have to go to the doctor Monday to make sure I don't have an ear infection...yuck. Stupid frailty of the human body and all that.

I'm really feeling ok with life overall. It's pretty good. I have my whiney things, but really, that's just me being my sometimes-slightly-bitchy self. Pay it no mind.

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