Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Great Movie Paradox, Part Deux: It's zombie apocalypse. Now what?

Bonnie and Bonnie's Rob had me over for dinner and to watch Shaun of the Dead tonight. The best part was when Bonnie's Rob paused the movie to say, "It's the zombie apocalypse--right now. Where do we go to hole up?" The three of us riffed for a good ten minutes about safe places and good people to grab as we run for the hills/bunker/artist loft (Good: nearby neighbors who own samurai swords. Bad: those who've already been turned into zombies.) Bonnie finally had to tell Bonnie's Rob and me to shut up and turn the movie back on. Who knew planning a zombie apocalypse escape plan could be so absorbing? I think this is the new "You're stranded on a desert island..." speculative game. Because, really, the chances of a zombie apocalypse are way better.

1 comment:

ori dahlin said...

Jason, Chris, Kim, and I have a plan about zombie uprisings. Chris and Kim have crowbars--as they are the most effective and easiest to carry--and are instructed to come get us and take us to safety. They have two extra marked for us: Jason and Natasha's Zombie Weapon.

Now if there is a robot insurgence, it's J and I's responsibility