Sunday, March 11, 2007


Man, I'm hungry, but I've told myself I'm not allowed to leave the #!$*@ library until this paper is done, so I guess I'll just have to be hungry a little longer. At least I'm getting some words on paper today, although it's scattered and all over the place. (Thesis statement, what?) I also have to keep removing ellipses from every other sentence. I have an unhealthy love affair with the ellipse, which anyone who's ever corresponded with me via email is probably already familiar with. I just love the ... and how it connects thoughts and ideas so vaguely, or how at the end of a sentence, the ... lets the mind linger on the ideas put forth in the subject-verb-object of the words just read...

It really is a beautiful thing.

I am all kinds of confused after springing forward at 2am last night. I had a fitful sleep, filled with overactive dreams and events that might have been real. I tried unsuccessfully to emerge from bed on three separate occasions, at three separate hours. The first time I managed to make it to the fridge and grab a bottle of orange juice, which I took back to bed with me. The second time I grabbed a bowl of leftover popcorn, which I took back to bed with me. The third time I got some coffee brewing and made the bed, in order to deter me falling back into its embrace.

It's amazing how I can write all sorts of other things except the very thing I need to be writing.

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