Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well, since I can't seem to get an indignant rise out of anyone, I guess I'll stop trying to push y'alls buttons for a while.

It's raining. It's Election Day. I voted, and as usual, the little old lady poll workers thought me and my rainboots were the cutest thing ever. One even commented on how my last name was like "that adorable little Muppet from that movie...you know, Yoda." I think she officially became the coolest little old lady ever for that remark.

In just over a week I fly to the Left Coast! My aunt is taking me to Astoria, Oregon for the weekend before Thanksgiving. I've been to Astoria once before, when I lived in Portland. Astoria is famous for being the town where they shot Kindergarten Cop AND The Goonies. I think I need to practice my Truffle Shuffle.

Then I think I'm going to ride the train or bus up to Seattle for a few days and visit my uncle and his family. They are encouraging this, as I think they would like any help they can get with the twins. I'll then ride down with them on Wednesday to Salem, Oregon for Thanksgiving time with my aunt and her (step) children. Friday I'll probably get roped into a trip to the mall. Saturday morning I fly back home to the ATL.


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