Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Splish Splash

Oh, the things I want to write about my first two days at my internship! The extroverted writer in me wants to tell tell tell! Unfortunately, I am sworn to confidentiality.

But I can tell you about some of the amusing things that have happened to me in the past week. I finished up my Maymester class on Monday, turning in my 15 page paper and participating in the graduate panel. In case you don’t know, I am not a graduate student. However, I refused to do the bullshit undergrad assignment and finangled my way onto the graduate panel (this class was crosslisted as both undergrad and grad). This proves that a) I am a true scholar, who loves learning b) I want to practice now so that I can rock at grad school later and c) I’m completely crazy and ask for more work when I don’t need to. Ori was on the panel with me, and it was stunning how sloppy and just plain bad most of the other grad students papers’ were. Ori and I were very well received, both by the class and the professor, which surprised us both, since we were convinced everyone hated our guts. You just never know.

Riding high on our success, and pleased that school was out for summer, Ori and I went back to her apartment complex and headed for the pool. Now, all the times I’ve ever been to Ori’s apartment I’ve seen only a handful of white people around. Most of the people who stay there are black. But apparently Monday was white people day at the pool. And not just any white people, but straight up low class, trailer trash whiteys. A coed gaggle of them decided to sit right next to us, despite there being plenty of other lounge chairs. They looked to be all of 19, and the guys were staring at us pretty fierce. But they didn’t say anything to us, they just stared. It was a little awkward, because of all the staring and sitting right next to us and not talking to us.

Eventually, one of the 19-year-old guys cannonballed into the pool, trying to splash his friends and almost splashing us. He said he was sorry he almost splashed us, and we told him he better not or there’d be trouble.

Then he cannonballed again and splashed us.

Apparently, this dude’s whole game consisted of adolescent splashing rituals. Very not hot. And he was good-looking too, despite being young, and might have had a chance for a mild poolside flirtation had he, you know, approached us in a more adult manner. Irritated, we grabbed our towels and bounced.

Ok, that story was not nearly as amusing as I’d hoped it would be. I apologize. I’m really quite exhausted, rushing from school to work to a new job. I haven’t had a true day off in…see, I don’t even remember. Hopefully this weekend I can share something much more clever and witty.



Ryan Remains said...

Jeez, that totally sounds like something I would've done at 19. In fact, I think I did do that at 18. No, for sure, I totally did. Seven Peaks, Provo, Utah, 1996. Shit.

femmusic said...

Would you have called any of those whiteys 'chavs' by any chance??? Hahahahahaha...