Monday, July 10, 2006

Someone needs to write another ubiquitous vacation song so I don't always have to title these kinds of posts 'Vacation, all I ever wanted'

I am all cleared for my request to take over two weeks off in August. My boss lady thinks getting to go to Alaska is a "great opportunity." She approves of things like grandparents having 50th wedding anniversaries and seeing old pen pals in Toronto. So the whole vacation thing was a very soft sell.

Now if that student loan check ever clears, I can buy a damn airline ticket...

We also talked about me staying on as an intern for the fall, and that is all settled as well. I have a job and somewhere to live for fall semester. Life isn't so bad.

I've let my nails grow out, and they are very pretty and make a satisfying tap on bar counters and other like surfaces.

Last night at dinner, I told Rachael that secretly I really want someone who wants to do things like buy a house and have babies.

"I want to nest," I said.

Rachael stared at me with a little disbelief, and I felt a little defensive. But then the disbelief faded and she said, "That's ok. You can nest and have babies. I'll come visit your nest. I'll bring you worms."


femmusic said...

Yay! Everything is shaping up nicely.

Ryan Remains said...

the shangri las have a great vacation song. ok, so it's more of a running away to get married and ending up dead in a car crash and won't their parents feel awful now that they didn't let their teenage kids get married song, but if you squint your ears a bit, i think it works.