Monday, May 21, 2007

Birthday All Week!

The showing tonight was small but fun. I didn't do so well at pool, but rocked the air hockey and was respectable at the Ms. Pac-Man. I also tried out the Dragon Punch, which was not nearly as awesome as the name might make you think. My bartender girl hooked me up with birthday shots, VH1's Lindsay Lohan's Most Shocking Moments played on the big screen, the summer wheat beer was delicious with a slice of orange, and we ended the night on the roof where CV made a very memorable toast to me ("Happy casetheplace...who since I've met her I've had more bizarre things happen to me in a short amount of time...she's like The Twilight Zone...she attracts the weird...") The best part is I got home just after 10pm, which means I will have a full night's sleep before work tomorrow. Yay!

The best part is that everyone who missed my low-key gethering tonight wants to meet up all the rest of the week. So far I'm booked tomorrow (Tuesday) night with dinner with Dad, etc; Wednesday night I get my hair did (thank god...I have been dying for a haircut for months but haven't had the time/funds to do so till now), then I go out with EG for a night of GIRLIE UPSCALE DJ DANCING (guaranteed to be awesome, because EG saw these guys in Chicago last week already); Thursday night I seem to be free; and Friday night several people have requested I hold Birthday Party: Part Deux. Then Saturday afternoon I leave the dirty dirty for four days in the desert sun. Laying by the pool in a bikini, what?

And thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, near and far. It makes me feel all special inside.

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