Tuesday, September 11, 2007

At the library...which is not quiet

It pisses me off that the shiny new renovated library at school is now filled with freshman who hog all the computers, thus forcing me to bring my laptop to campus. In addition, they love to talk--on their phones, to each other, at their ipods...grrr. The only places where I can get proper wireless reception is where they tend to congregate and babble. I hate teenagers---I even hated teenagers when I was a teenager---and this only makes me hate them more.

I called out of work today because I don't feel very well. I spent all morning in bed, and managed to drag myself to campus around 1. I can't tell if it's allergies, a cold, or just plain irritation that I'm still in Atlanta. I've managed to get a few things done school-wise, but not nearly as much as I would like.

It also occurred to me last night that I'm probably 30 pounds overweight by Hollywood standards.

Not having internet at home is also getting old. The Comcast guy is supposed to be out again today to fix it, but if I were my landlady I would have switched carriers long before now.

God, I sound like the whiniest, crankiest person ever. Let's see, some good things...

I caught up with some of my friends this past weekend that I hadn't seen in a while. I'm doing well in all my classes so far. My life is pretty drama-free as far as interpersonal relationships go. Life's actually really good right now.

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