Sunday, September 09, 2007

So I'm going to go all Perez Hilton on you...

...and type this from a chic coffee shop, although that is where all similarities end because said chic coffee shop is not in LaLaland and I am not a large gay man currently starring in a celebrity rap show with the likes of Kendra from The Girls Next Door. (Incidentally, I had a bizarre dream last night were Bridget was no longer one of Hef's girlfriends and I was asked to replace her, despite being brunette, smart and ten pounds overweight by Hollywood standards.)

Moving on...

I know I seem to have fallen off the face of the earth lately, mostly because I left the country for a few weeks, then have had internet connectivity issues at home ever since returning Stateside. School started August 20, with classes that are both reading and writing intensive (for example, I have to do primary research at the Carter Center for my political communication paper, which is super exciting but also kind of a pain since they are only open M-F 8:30-4:30), plus I'm preparing to leave the A (that would be Atlanta) in January (Ms. casetheplace goes to Washington and all that) which involves filling out all sorts of forms, plus I'm trying to get all my various documents changed to the new spelling of my name, plus I'm planning a trip to visit Loy in San Diego in late Oct/early Nov (I really racked up the frequent flyer miles this past year, so I'm flying gratis), plus I'm going camping in the Everglades between Christmas and New Year's so there's all sorts of planning involved with that (mosquito netting, anyone?), plus I'm sure there's something else going on I forgot to mention.

In short, I am still alive, just very busy.

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