Sunday, April 06, 2008

Get your drink ticket before heading to the bar

Last night, Charlton Heston died on the dance floor. Not literally, of course, but word of his death came to us as we danced, via tax-payer-supported Blackberry. I feel like maybe his death would make a good metaphor for something, but I haven't had my coffee yet, and so the more abstract connecting of disparate thoughts part of my brain isn't working at full capacity. Perhaps I'll come up with something later.

This weekend may perhaps go down in the partying archive as "The Weekend of the Drink Ticket." Both the Hirshhorn Friday night and the loft party last night required the purchase of drink tickets (little paper tickets like what you get at a school fair or carnival) in order to acquire beverages from the bar. I'm assuming this is to speed up the drink-getting process, since the bartenders aren't handling money and trying to make change and whatnot, but in reality it's really annoying and requires too much pre-planning on the part of slightly tipsy people ("So how many drink tickets should I go ahead and get? I just waited in that line for twenty minutes and I don't want to have to wait in it again, but I also don't want to buy tickets I'm not going to use...and I only have two hands..."). In brief, casetheplace is not a fan of the drink ticket, and she hopes this is a trend that will not continue.
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