Thursday, April 03, 2008


Tonight was the first night in a long time that I decided to just come home I've been sick the past few days (I know, I know, again, right? It's all due to stress, I'm fairly sure. I spent a great deal of time wailing, "I'm just overwhelmed!" and when people ask by what the only response I can think to give that really sums it up is "Life!" which is maybe a tad over dramatic, but nonetheless true.) and though I felt better today, I decided it would be best to take it easy.

The roommate wasn't around, so I turned on the television and vegged in a way that I haven't really since I got to DC. I watched The Simpsons and it was the classic episode Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington. Fabulous. Just what I was in the mood for.

I've decided to take a break from job hunting for a bit to focus on the last few weeks of school and my internship. I've been stressing myself out too much trying to do it all, and I need to just focus my energy on a couple of things right now.

Tonight I bought a one-way ticket to ATL for mid-May so I can pack up the last of my things and drive them up here to DC, which is actually a big weight off my shoulders because at least now I have the date for that settled. The more things I get set the better I feel. My life has been too unsettled and up in the air for too long. I need some stability.
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