Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jittery possibility

It's slowly starting to feel like home here, in my new place. I've been here about a month, and slowly things are getting settled and put in order. The next year and a half will undoubtedly fly by. My plan right now, which is subject to change at any moment without a bit of public notice, is to be in DC until 2010, and then go someplace else for my next adventure. Maybe grad school, even. We'll see.

Yesterday was my last day as an intern. I've been interning at one place or another since January 2006, and I couldn't wait to be done as an intern, but of course now that it's actually done I'm feeling kind of 'aw, this part of my life is so over' about it. The world is still my oyster, and while I haven't quite figured out how to crack it open and get at the really big pearl yet, the past four months in DC have pushed me ever closer to my goals. I'm so close to something really great and really big I just want to sit and cry at the possibility and hope that permeates my life right now...So close, so close...

And I have been a horribly irregular blogger. Blame it on the hectic nature of the past few weeks, blame it on me not making writing a priority (which is a shame, because I need to write to feel whole, and I have not been writing as I should AT ALL, which leaves me feeling anxious and needy). Now that I am officially unemployed I'm gonna do my best to post here everyday until I have a job. It's the right thing to do.
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