Thursday, April 06, 2006

Much Ado About a Hairdo

Yes, I live in the 4th District of Georgia, the very district represented by the Honorable Cynthia McKinney (D). No, I did not vote for her; she ran unopposed in 2004 and so I was able to conscientiously abstain by leaving that portion of the ballot screen blank. Yes, she has always been this way. No, I can’t explain her appeal. Yes, she will probably be reelected. And yes, the “much ado about a hairdo” is a direct quote from McKinney. I saw it on the news this evening.

Elsewhere in the world of politics, I’m gonna be in a photo with Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue tomorrow morning.


Ryan Remains said...

Her hair is much better than mine.

femmusic said...

You know I only found out about why she was in the news a la SNL's Weekend Update? How sad is that? (For me, not McKinney, though the guy parodying her did look an awful lot like her...)