There were only 4 A's on the test I mentioned in the previous post. I had the highest grade in the class---a 95. I missed a couple multiple choice but nailed the essay question for the full 20 points. Kinda-hott-but-maybe-just-creepy professor told me "Nice job" as he handed it back. He had no comment for anyone else's test. In short, I'm rocking POLS 37--'s face off.
Last night I went over to CV's for beer and television. We watched The Office (so good) followed by Grey's Anatomy (best episode EVER). Then we decided to go to our local bar/club and flirt with the cute bartender and maybe some of the cute clientale.
Unfortunately for us, Thursday nights is "jungle bass" night. I mean, WTF?? Who listens to jungle anymore? What is this, 1998? (And if it is 1998, where was the x and the glow sticks?) The clientale was as to be expected (pretty much completely disappointing), and we had no luck prowling. CV at least got hit on, but we're not really sure if that was a compliment or not since the guy was, in CV's words, "totally K-Fedded out."
However, we did get our third round of drinks free, so going out wasn't a total wash.
Tonight I'm going to a play with some people I haven't seen since New Year's Eve, and tomorrow I go see Patrick in Statesboro.
And this totally cracks me up: