Tuesday, September 26, 2006

First test of the semester, and I'm 99% certain I made an A.

It's almost October, and that means lots of fun weekend road trips (Georgia National Fair! Oktoberfest! Grandma and Grandpa's house!)
It also means fresh apples, cooler weather (it was sooo nice and chilly this morning), Halloween costumes (and I've got a good one up my sleeve), and registering for my spring semester classes. That's right...soon and very soon I'll be starting my "senior" year of college. Dear god, sometimes I thought I'd never get here.

Dancing With the Stars is my perfect Tuesday night unwinding activity. Plus I get to call in and vote for my favorites. Tonight I voted for Willa Ford, because she really is good and I feel bad that she's almost been eliminated twice. I keep trying to vote for my boys (Mario Lopez and Joey Lawrence) but I can't get through on their numbers. I guess all the rest of cheesy America loves them too.

My bronchitis is 95% gone now, which is great. I can actually do basic human activities like walk across campus or laugh at a joke without succumbing to a horrible coughing fit.

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