Monday, March 26, 2007

I never wanted 2 be your weekend lover

Ran into an old friend on the train today, and I felt bad because I hadn't returned her phone call from...uh...two months ago? I think this officially makes me something of a bad friend.

It's true, the only persons I can promise to talk to on a regular basis are my dad and CV.

Also, my love affair with getting to the point has made it very difficult to write academic papers, especially since I've been writing lots of AP-style news stories for a reporting class. If I can't distill the heart of the matter down to a 25-word lead, I have no interest in writing it. I also hate speculation and love action verbs. Subject, verb, object. In fact, I'm rather smitten with Spanish verbs and the fact that they don't require a subject. Verb, object. What could be more to the point than that??

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