Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm on deadline

I'm a deadline girl. I work best when I have a deadline, because if I'm without a deadline I don't do jack shit. I'm on deadline to produce a short story by 8am tomorrow morning, with enough copies printed out for all my classmates. I've already checked to make sure the copy place near the school is 24 hour. I've written a few pages, scribbled some notes, and done quite a bit of research. Now all I have to do is, you know, really write the thing.

Unfortunately, the time crunch hasn't gotten quite tight enough for me to feel pressured to actually begin. Which is why I'm writing this in Blogger instead of writing a story in Word.

Yesterday was the longest day of the year. Literally and figuratively. I got up early to finish some assignments at the library, and soon lost my wallet. I cancelled all my cards and made it to my first class only a half hour late. When that class let out, I checked back at the library and - awesomely - someone had turned in my wallet! All my cash was still there! I didn't have to replace my driver's license! I'd gone from being very let down to having my faith in humanity completely revitalized.

Then I went to my communication law class and all joy vanished.

My friend Patrick is in town for PRIDE, so we met up for dinner and then headed to Piedmont Park for Screen on the Green. After two hours of waiting for it to get dark enough to start the movie (and after running into a half dozen people I know) I decided I couldn't sit on a blanket in the park any longer without going mad, and went home.

Then, despite being completely exhausted, I found myself unable to sleep.

I hate summer in this city.

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