Monday, November 05, 2007

Post 249: In which our heroine receives welcome news; not-so-welcome news

The not-so-welcome news is, just so we can get it all out of the way and focus on the welcome news, fraudulent charges on my debit card. Boo. I've got it under control now, but identity theft stuff is never fun.

The good news: I was offered an internship position for next semester today, which I gladly accepted. Yay! I am very excited about working for this organization and can't wait to start, especially since I am training my replacement at my current internship, which is completely the opposite of fun and exciting. My current internship has been such a fantastic learning experience, but it really is time for me to move on to other things. Onward and upward!

CV and I are already planning my going-away bash. It will involve the
usual high-jinks and shenanigans of a Wednesday night out, so I can be sure to get all drunk and weepy and give some self-important speech about how this is the end but really just the beginning, and damn it! I'm going to miss you guys! I can hardly wait.

I was futzing around tonight and stumbled upon Date Lab, a column that sends people on dates and then reports how it went. I was mildly amused until I read about this date , which was eerily like almost every date I've ever been on, and not just because I was born in Asia. Are there no single men with ambition left in this country??

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