Monday, February 04, 2008

The problem is

The problem is, once I go too long without a proper blog session, the thought of sitting down and trying to catch y'all up becomes so daunting I don't know where to begin. I've been told some of you check this blog "religiously" and are disappointed I'm not writing more. My god, people, the pressure! The pressure!

But anyway.

It's already the night before Super Tuesday, and of course spirits are high everywhere around here. So remember, kids, do your part and vote or caucus tomorrow (if applicable for your respective state)!

I'm totally loving DC. I knew I was unhappy in Atlanta, but it suddenly hit me today just how happy I am in general here compared to how unhappy in general I was there, and it's kind of staggering. Life isn't perfect (bunk beds, anyone?), but it is generally good, and I feel good. There was a minute a couple of weeks ago when I thought I might entertain the possibility of moving back to ATL at the end of the semester, but that quickly passed. Now I'm hyped up and excited about finding a job here and staying a while.

I've met so many fantastic and fabulous people since I arrived. As I suspected, this is a city of people who approach life, the world, and everything in much the same way I do. The ambition radiating off of the kids in my program is electrifying. My roommate and I have seriously bonded. We hit it off from the start, but things really snowballed the night we did it up Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-style and visited the Lincoln Memorial, all lit up and stunning. At night before we go to sleep we talk politics and boys, and our future plans for both. We are both addicted to Project Runway and the news (CNN is a get-home-from-work fixture on our tv). I was sooo worried before I got here that she and I might not get along, and I am beyond pleased that we totally do.

I joked before I left ATL that I planned to go out every night of the week here, and the joke has become something of a reality. I really put myself out there the first couple weeks, and as a result my dance card is pretty much constantly filled. And since I'm a person who generally needs constant activity, this is the best thing for me.

Alright, it's nearly midnight, and I have another long day ahead tomorrow. Night.
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