Monday, February 11, 2008


I got asked out today. By a girl. It was the most adorable thing ever. She came into my cube this afternoon and, in front of four of my fellow interns, asked me if I'd like to join her outside while she had a cigarette. I said sure. I was so completely oblivious that when she came right out and asked me if I'd like to have dinner sometime I was blown away. It was just the cutest thing ever. I guess I'm so used to Atlanta and NEVER getting asked out EVER that I could hardly believe this mousy little nineteen year old had more gumption than all the bastards back home put together and came right out with it. It totally made my day. It's good for the casetheplace to get asked out from time to time.

Also, I get told how I talk is cute on an almost daily basis. And no one ever complains about me being too pushy or loud. In fact, I get told I'm sweet (?!) quite a lot. It's good for the casetheplace not to be in the Deep South.

Also, I hadn't realized how crazy the family was driving me until I got a good 600+ miles between us. It's good for the casetheplace not to be within a few hours drive of the fam.

Also, the world still feels like my own huge, crackable oyster. Love it.
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captwc said...

But did you say yes???

femmusic said...

I agree, what was the verdict? Not sure how you're swingin' these days, but certainly a date in the Capitol would be some fun times!