Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Big Love

I love this show. I do. I love Chloe Sevigny being all evil and diabolical, I love the examination of creepy fringe religious types (I have extended family that fit that description, except they are not polygamists and they don't live in Utah...but the basic idea's the same), I love Bill Paxton, I love the oldest daughter who can't decided if she's skeezed out by her family or a willing member, I love the guest spots from the chick from Napolean Dynomite...but mostly I love the character Margene. Especially after this latest episode, where we find out she's 23 and a closet smoker and feels like a total fuck-up most of the time. Oh yeah, I feel ya Margene. I feel ya.

My birthday weekend was basically a four day ruckus, culminating last night in French bubbly and pastries from Alon's while watching The Princess Bride and Mad Hot Ballroom with my friend Ori. Her husband came home towards the end of the complete and total girl-out, and by that point we were all winey and loud. I was rather surprised he didn't retreat to the office, but sat down on the couch and interacted with us. And then the long suffering man got to drive my mostly drunk ass home.

I got something that I really, really wanted in the career and job department Monday, and am super awesome excited about it. So life continues being pretty damn good on the casetheplace front. You?


1 comment:

femmusic said...

Have you ever seen Veronica Mars? It has a couple people who are in Big Love in it as well... and I think you would like the detective-ness of it all. I can send you season 1 on DVD *squee!* possibility of another VMars convert...*
Care to share the new job you're all excited about???