Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Complaints + Weekend Recap

I was so excited about the cooler weather and even bought a few new sweaters in commemoration. Then it had to go all Indian Summer (do I look like I care that that is not really an acceptable term anymore? DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE??) on me and now it's back to 85 during the day and me in flip flops. Goddamnit. I want fall and I want it now!

This week is kicking my ass, what with all the tests and papers due and stuff. I still haven't finished my piracy paper due tomorrow morning...and no, it's not about the swashbuckling kind of piracy but the intellectual property rights/copyright infringement kind. Yeah, that's what I get for being a Journalism major. Stupid me. If I'd stuck with History I might actually be writing about walk-the-plank pirates. Speaking of pirates, you hear what the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is rated? That's right, it's rated "Arrr!"

Moving on.

Visiting Patrick in Statesboro (affectionately known to the locals as "the Boro") this weekend was great. He showed me the Georgia Southern campus and where he worked, we hit up the local Wal-Mart (Welcome to the New South! Thank you, Sam Walton!), and by late afternoon we were walking the sands of Tybee Island. That night we did some good ol' fashioned partying in Savannah, including watching the drag show at Club One (made famous by Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" which is really good, by the by, and you should totally read). Patrick and I also spent a great deal of time trash-talking Paula Deen, who's face is fucking everywhere in that town. I woke up the next day feeling like someone had beaten me with a tire iron, so the weekend was a success.

I guess I should go to class now, but I promise more exciting tales of mischief and adventure later!

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