Monday, October 30, 2006

Where's Jim?

I adore The Office, especially the American version. I show my devotion at work with an editorial-spread pic of the cast torn from an old Entertainment Weekly thumb-tacked to my cube wall, right next to my monitor. Since everyone congregates in my cube at one time or another, and no one in my office had ever commented on it, I assumed I was the only Office fan around.

Until today, when it was announced in our weekly staff meeting that I was being moved to the Copy Cube "to make room for the new people."

"The Copy Cube?" I said, incredulously. "Where will the printers go?"

"Oh, they'll still be there. We'll just scoot them over and make room for you."

(Please keep in mind that this is your average-sized cube, which is pretty much crammed full of various machines that everyone in the office uses constantly, such as a black-and-white printer, a color printer, the fax machine, and, the quietest of them all, the shredder.)

I just sort of sat there, my mouth agape, as the meeting ended and everyone dispersed. My coworker M, who I'd suspected was a lot hipper than he let on, came up to me and said, "Feels kind of like a bad episode of The Office, huh?"

"Yeah," I said. "At least they didn't move me into the men's room."

Thankfully, my boss came to me soon afterwards and apologized, since she had no idea they were planning on moving me, and especially not to the Copy Cube. She vowed to be the champion of my cause, and swore to keep me out of the Copy Cube, come what may. So at least I'm safe for now.

I'm telling you, this is why I plan to be at work at least a few hours every day next semester. You only come in a few days a week and next thing you know you're working out of the break room mini-fridge.

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