Sunday, October 29, 2006


I was bored last night, waiting for Bonnie & Robert to pick me up for a show at Dad's Garage, so I decided to check out the dating sites and see what kind of hottness awaits me in the ATL dating pool.

Let me just say the pool's chlorination factor is totally questionable. For one thing, I knew half the guys aged 21-35 already. Of the guys I already knew, the majority myself or one of my friends had dated at some point or another. The rest of the guys I knew were seriously undatable. Which leaves the dudes I don't know, who all seem to like Adam Sandler movies, Murakami novels, or touring with their band. (FYI, things I am totally not into: Adam Sandler, Japanophiles, dudes in bands.)

Oh well, I don't have time for dudes anyway.


Ryan Remains said...

Murakami is good though, but I see your point.

casetheplace said...

Hey, sorry that entry got reposted a bajillion times. I kept getting an error message, so I tried reposting it over and over again before giving up...and 2 days later all my aborted posts suddenly showed up.

I actually haven't read any Murakami, but if you say it's good I'll give him a shot. Probably over Thanksgiving break when I'll have some time to read.