Saturday, July 21, 2007

Up too late

It has been a long time since I've been wired and awake at four in the morning for no reason whatsoever. I didn't go out tonight or anything, just had dinner with my dad and then chilled out by my lonesome in my Ikea 350-sq-ft showroom. Which, now that I think about it, may be the problem. I should have at least gone for a walk or something to get out some pent up energy. As is, I've been too hyper to make laying down and lying still and regulating my breathing and emptying my mind a plausible possibility. At this point, I've pretty much given up on the idea of sleep, since I need to be up at 6:30 anyway. Up all night! Blech. The thrill is gone. I'm not 19 anymore.

Less than two weeks till my TWO-WEEK vacation. I couldn't tell you the last time I had a two-week vacation. I was probably 17, and I don't think 17-year-olds really understand the joy of two weeks with nothing to do but chill.

I'm even more excited thinking about what the future will bring in five months. Five months and I will be a college graduate (finally!), leaving Atlanta (finally!) to meet my destiny. And it's gonna be good.

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