Thursday, January 17, 2008

Still happy to be here

I'm still feeling very happy to be here, and I know it's the right thing to do and that Tuesday, when I start my internship, life will be back to its usual hum of constant busyness and excitement, but right now I've got a tad bit too much time on my hands, and the three day weekend looms ahead, with nothing planned yet and me worrying that I'll be sitting around staring at the walls. This would not frighten me so much if the walls I had to stare at were in a proper apartment somewhere, but unfortunately the walls are in a dorm room, and there is nothing more depressing than sitting around a dorm room with nothing to do. But hey, I got invited to a frat party Saturday night (you think I'm kidding? I am so not kidding...) so there's always that option.

When I think back to where I was just a month ago, it boggles the mind. So much has happened in just a month. The fabulous going away party, moving out of my Decatur apartment (it was so tiny but I loved it a lot and I was there for 12 months, which is something of an apartment record for me), the trip to the Everglades, the week of just hanging around Atlanta without much of anything to do, the leaving Atlanta a day later than planned, the arriving in DC, the snow today...I've been busier than I think.

I've had lots of quality alone time, but I'm beginning to get a little sick of myself. I hope I make lots of friends soon.
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