Sunday, December 10, 2006

Post 102: In which our heroine goes to Athens, and eventually has homemade sushi and lots of wine and sake in Atlanta

You read that correctly; yesterday I made my every-couple-of-years pilgrimage to Athens, GA. I went there directly from my grandparents, where I'd been since Thursday afternoon. I went to Athens to hear my ex play from his new Great Directors album (yes, it is five tracks named for five directors, and each song is centered around its namesake. Kind of clever and cute.) and hear The Men of Science play their biggest show ever. If you know me, you know I never go to shows, especially not shows that require me to drive out of my way to places like Athens, but I had a good time and didn't complain. (Ok, I complained a little when I first arrived, but once I ate dinner I chilled out and enjoyed myself. Plus I got to see a lot of people I hadn't seen in months and months, so that was nice, too.)

I ended up driving home straight after the show, which got me home at about 2 in the morning. I got up this morning and took my time about life (rare for me, and something I should probably do more of). I eventually got lunch, drank a few cups of coffee, filed some stray documents, swept out my bedroom, put away my clean clothes, and even studied a bit. Then I picked up Bonnie & Bonnie's Rob, and we went and had (homemade!) sushi at another friend's house. Lots of red wine and sake were had by all. We even managed to connect Paul Giamatti to Kevin Bacon in exactly six degrees. (Yes, we did realize "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" is so 10 years ago, but we didn't care.)

I'm waiting to hear how a friend's first date went...since I haven't heard anything yet and it's 11PM and they met at 6:30ish, I'm thinking it's going well.

And I'm planning to update the links sidebar sometime this week. I'm thinking after my finals are all completed.

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