Tuesday, October 09, 2007

If I had to choose

I wore my new wool cloche hat today because I figured if I waited until it actually got chilly enough for me to wear a wool hat I'd never get around to showing it off. Cloche hat + asymmetrical bob + wide-leg pants = fabulous. The effect was very early-30s talkie.

When I wear a hat, I get a slightly wistful feeling that we no longer wear hats as a society. (Sorry, baseball caps do not count as hats.) There is something about a hat that adds a finished touch to any outfit and makes a woman look dressed. Men benefit from hats as well; they add just the right amount of sophistication and swagger to a suit.

Although if I had to choose between a society where hats are de rigueur and a society where a woman can be CEO or president of the United States, I guess I'd have to go with the latter.