Happy Fresca Friday, y'all! Mitz declared today Fresca Friday because yesterday a bunch of us interns were giving him shit about his drinking Fresca.
"What are you, an old woman?" we all said. "Are you gonna start drinking Tab now too?"
Mitz tried to defend his Fresca drinking as not being old ladyish by reading us a printout of the Wikipedia entry for the drink ("Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote that Fresca was the favorite drink of U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, who had a button installed on the desk in the White House's Oval Office which would summon his military aide to bring the drink. In addition, Fresca was the favorite drink of the expansion teams in the NHL during the 1967 season"...Lyndon B. Johnson, people! And hockey players! They're not old ladies! Oh, and it's been featured in three - three! - episodes of The Simpsons! And The Daily Show!), but then Mitz made the mistake of mentioning that he was going on an evening river cruise on the Potomac next week, and all hell broke loose.
"You ARE an old woman! Look, he's even wearing a cardigan!"
Today, Mitz busted into the office with a stack of Dixie cups and a can of Fresca. "Who's ready to break down some beverage stereotypes??" he asked.
He then distributed the cups, and poured us each an inch of Fresca. I hadn't had Fresca in years, and I have to say, it tastes just as bizarre now as it did in the Nineties. (Sorry, Mitz, but I won't be joining you in old lady soft drink land on the regular.)
A lot of other things happened today, most notably my wiping out at 9:10 this morning on K Street. It was quite spectacular, with the coffee flying out of my hand and the sprawled out landing that slightly twisted my left ankle and tore open my right knee. It really knocked the wind out of me, and it took me a moment till I could let LG help me up. Everyone was all concerned about me being hurt, and all I could manage to get out was, "My coffee..." in a rather woeful voice. My skinned knee would heal with time, but the coffee seeping into the uneven cracks of the sidewalk was gone forever.
And here's a great thing one of my friends said today:
"Do squirrels eat worms? Like, in times of scarcity, do they eat worms? I saw one eating a worm today and I was like, Wow, it must be tough for them if they've moved on to worms..."
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