Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break Oh Eight...sigh...

It's been spring break this week, probably my last one for a long while (and maybe ever). It hasn't been much of a vacation, to be honest. I worked Monday, and then flew out super early Tuesday morning for Georgia. As soon as I landed, I headed straight to the grandparents' house for a quick overnight visit. By Wednesday evening I was back in ATL. Then yesterday I flew out super early from ATL for DC.

It was a tough trip. Seeing CV was the bestest; seeing swathes of the city in shambles was not. The fam was difficult, and I spent great stretches of Thursday night wishing I was back in DC because, when you have a non-boyfriend, and a non-relationship, it can come as
something of a surprise to find yourself having a very real break up fight with very real tears.

I brought back some things that I had had stored in my grandparents' basement (things like my pink go go boots and my tequila set), so I left ATL with lots of baggage, and if that's not the greatest visual metaphor ever I don't know what is.

When Ashe hugged me tonight in a great big bear hug and said, "Don't ever go to Atlanta again!" I told her, "Don't worry, I don't want to."

Tomorrow I sign the lease that proves I'll be staying in DC for a while. I couldn't be more relieved.
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