Sunday, January 07, 2007

I can't get involved (exclamation point)

The date, you ask? I don't want to talk about it.

Ok, I'll talk about it. It was alright. I had some good conversation, he gave me the moony eyes, I knew we were headed nowhere. The reason: He didn't have nice hands. Ok, there was more to it than that, but really, he didn't have nice hands. I've spent my whole life with musicians, artists, writers---those who have nice hands, strong hands, capable hands, crafty hands. I just get really turned off by weak little hands with ragged cuticles. I like hands that look like they've done something fantastic and amazing recently.


CV and I had an awesome conversation today about how to say punctuation so it sounds like itself. Let me give you an example. Quessstion mark? (see, you say that one all question-like.) Here's another: hyphennn (it kind of lingers at the end cause it's about to lead into something else.)

Yes, that is the kind of dorky conversation that make me happy, thank you very much. I am not ashamed. Much.


I found a new place to live. I'm signing a lease that'll keep me there till December and graduation. I think I'm gonna like this place. I think it's a good space for this last year of school and everything. Maybe I can clear my head a little and figure a few things out.

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