Wednesday, January 24, 2007


In one of my classes, I recognized my professor from his internet dating profile. I thought he looked like a pompous, insecure prick on his profile and guess what? In person, he's a pompous, insecure prick. Long-winded, too. An hour and fifteen minute long monologue every class. Absolutely no interaction with us students.

Thankfully, I was able to spend most of class today making eyes at the cutie across the room. I described him to CV yesterday as not conventionally cute, but hott in that Jack White kind of way. Slightly dirty looking, but not a I-forgot-to-shower-for-3-days dirty.

"Oh, I get it," CV said. "Like he had band practice an hour before class kind of dirty."


Also in that class is the hottie with the lip ring who's a member of my semester-long group project group. Swoon! I don't care that he's, like, 19 and from Alabama, dude is hott.

And I have a new gay boyfriend in one of my journalism classes. We had to interview each other today for a profile writing excercise. We got to find out all sorts of fun things about each other, like that he's a Virgo and I'm high-strung. It was lots of fun.

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