Thursday, April 12, 2007


One of my journalism professor's first language is not English, and god bless him, but he instructed us to write "short, crispy sentences" for our broadcast news story due tomorrow. I'm wondering if I should use a cornmeal- or flour-based batter.

Meanwhile, remember the cute guy I mentioned a while back? I hadn't seen him in class since that post. Yes, that's right, I hadn't seen him in nearly two months, and I had drawn the conclusion that he had dropped the class. Well, he turned up today, and I was glad that I had remembered to put on more lip gloss just before class. He was looking extra cute, and his comments were insightful and rather intelligent. He also let drop that he was a (sigh) philosophy major. (Yes, that sigh was equal parts wistful lust and head-shaking exasperation.) So off course I did the only sensible thing a girl could do. I found him on facebook.

Facebook graciously confirmed that he likes the ladies (not that there was ever any doubt, but it is nice to see it in writing) and that he is single. And also, as I suspected, that he is well into his twenties, and not 19 like the other cutie in the class. I also found out his frat (sigh) and saw photos of him from Spring Break 2004. (One has to wonder about Spring Break 2005-2007, and why they were absent...) I now know his birthday, and his favorite music, and his political leanings.

Of course, what the hell am I supposed to do with all this new-found knowledge, exactly? Go up to him next class and say, "Hey, I see you've got a birthday in about a month. And that you like The Killers. Um, well, yes, I have been internet stalking, but I swear that's not creepy! Really!" See, the thing about internet stalking is you have to be quiet about it, and never let on that you do it.

(Well, clearly after all this my cover's blown...)