Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nice woodwork

Well, all sorts of people have been coming out of the woodwork lately, and it always seems to be the ones I least expect. A couple of old RAs (yeah, I lived in a dorm once...was THAT an experience...), high school friends I'd almost forgotten existed, other random persons I've met one way or another over the's amazing what happens when you come out of four years of being more or less underground. I mean, for a lot of these people, I may as well have fallen off the face of the Earth. Now that I'm back on a track that more or less means I'm Doing Something Productive And Meaningful With My Life, I can have people come out of the woodwork without me cringing. It's kind of a nice feeling.

And I apologize if any of the above is completely incoherent and rambly; I am so sleep deprived at this point I described the Mexico City legalizatin of first trimester abortions as "third semester frabortions" in class today. My last final is next Wednesday afternoon. When that ends it will be happy hour, and I plan to go to everyone's favorite college bar and celebrate. (Have I mentioned how awesome it is to be an "over 21" college student sometimes?)


marilyn c. cole said...

I've also had a lot of "This is your life" reminiscent meetings in the last few weeks. Elena said this is one of two weeks in NY where the weather is nice enough that people actually look at each other on the street.

That doesn't explain what led my 7th grade best friend to find me on myspace. She has a husband and a baby and a good job and a house in middle Georgia, and her quote, her MAIN QUOTE, is: "Good people don't go to heaven. Saved people do!" I wonder if she's okay with my life choices.

marilyn c. cole said...

Also, I'm way pissed that you're done on Wednesday. I still have a major research presentation a WEEK after that.

Though I am glad that I have more than a week to finish that research crap.