Monday, April 23, 2007

Like a movie

I've been accused of living my life like it was a movie---one ridiculous scene after another, each more ridiculous than the last. While I have a feeling the accusers intended it to be an insult, I take it as a bit of a compliment. Who wouldn't want to live their life like it was a movie? After all, I can't imagine anything more aspirational than an existence filled enitrely with colorful characters of above-average looks delivering snappy dialogue while effortlessly wearing stylish costumes in vibrant Technicolor.

I mean, really.

But if my life is a movie, this is the late-night studying/paper-writing montage: me with pencil between my teeth, typing furiously CUT TO coffee brewing CUT TO me pouring brewed coffee into mug CUT TO me at computer, pencil behind ear CUT TO me taking a determined sip of coffee CUT TO me going "ARGH!" and throwing down my pencil, jumping up from my chair, pacing furiously CUT TO...well, you get the general idea.

See, life as movie isn't all fun and games.

1 comment:

ori dahlin said...

Aww yeah, that was movie comment was totally me. But "accusers"? I am only guilty of film analysis.