Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How to get all the glory in an online class group project

Step 1: Learn how to write. I mean, really write. Really, really write. Learn how to write so well that it hurts so good. (NOTE: This step takes the longest.)

Step 2: Ask the professor if one person is supposed to combine everyone's message board thoughts into a single essay. Find out that that is the general way of doing things, and that the person who crafts the single essay automatically gets a higher grade.

Step 3: Decide that you are the right woman for the combining---and higher-grade getting---job. Keep this information to yourself.

Step 4: Do nothing involving this group project for five days. I mean, nothing. I cannot emphasize this enough--NOTHING. Do not read the course material. Do not participate in the ramblings of your groupmates on the appropriate message board. Do not so much as log onto the course's website. You will be too busy doing fun and amusing things like watching the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie for free opening night and drinking pinot grigio on your friends' deck Saturday afternoon.

Step 5: The day before the project is due, at the height of your groupmates' panic over organizing everything into a single essay, offer to do it.

Step 6: While absorbing everyone's gushy gratitude, try and make sense of the message board postings the past five days have wrought. Your job is to create structure where there is none. Craft a really knock-out introduction, with an airtight thesis, and the rest will fall easily into place.

Step 7: Post the finished essay.

Step 8: Enjoy your A.


captwc said...

exactly how I would have done it-- well minus the alcohol part! LOL

femmusic said...

I don't know how to write so good anymore. this makes me sadden.